
Relief Donations

A major concern of those considering monetary donation to relief efforts has traditionally been concern that those funds may not be distributed properly.

The CJLEA will be collecting donations up to and during the Japan Cup Day.

Unfortunately, donations to CJLEA are not tax deductible. 

According to the Consulate General of Japan at Denver,they aree not accpeting any donations for now.

Many municipal offices affected by earthquake/tsunami have set up an account to accept donations. 

We would like to ask your opinion about sending CJLEA donation to those places including Sendai City municipal office where Winters-sensei's brother works. This way we can make sure our donation reaches those who are actually in need.

It has come to our attention that while ideas such as folding Senba-Dzuru (1000 paper cranes)  and letters are heart felt gestures, sending these types objects may cause more work for people who are already heavily burdened with relief efforts. 

So we ask that if your classes are dedicated to creating an artistic piece in support and solidarity, they film their efforts and upload them to Youtube as video letters. The pieces themselves may then be sent at a later date as appropriate.     

If you would like to send your support in the form of goods, the following is a great option;

Socks for Japan
Info VIA: Kyoko Saegusa Sensei 

I have also been assured that 100% of the relief funds collected through the following organizations will be donated to relief assistance in the affected areas and to the victims.   

Japan America Society of Colorado
Donate through JASC 

JETAA USA(Japan Exchange &  Teaching Alumni)
Donate through JETAA USA 

Similarly, donations to this effort will go directly to help those in evacuation centers;

  • ボルダー市から山形県山形市への支援
今回の東日本大震災では山形市の方は比較的被害が少なかったようですが、岩手 や宮城、福島の方から被災者を受け入れているとのことです。
ボルダー市では、この有効姉妹都市の提携に則り、被災者の方々を受け入れている山形市に対して の支援を行うことにしたそうです。

Colorado’s sister-city, Yamagata Prefecture is accepting some of the earthquake/tsunami evacuees. 
The Boulder-Yamagata Friendship City Committee is collecting donations to send to Yamagata and provide direct support to those people in the evacuation centers. 
Tax deductible contributions in any amount are appreciated. 
c/o Yoko Tamaki Brandt
901 Utica Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304

Colorado Daily 新聞の記事(英文)


山 形市の友好姉妹都市についてのサイト

こちらは$50以上の募金で250 Aadvantageマイルが、$100以上で500マイルがもらえるそうです。
With this offer from American Airlines, you can receive 250 Aadvantage Miles for a 50$ contribution and 500 miles for donations over 100$.
American Airlines Supports Disaster Relief Efforts

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